so…why does this exist?

and who are you?!


📸 Rachel Burt

Hi! i’m meg, a coach and rebel-rouser for creative, rebellious and multi-passionate women.

I created your rebellious year, home study edition because…

I get how hard it can be to show up for ourselves and put ourselves on our to-do list.

I understand how important creativity and connecting to ourselves is for us. And also how much guilt and external fuckery we have to fight against to give ourselves permission to even think about going there. In a world where we’re taught to put everyone else first, and be the good girl, it can be really damn hard to hear that little voice that tell us to just fuck it and go for it.

I created Your Rebellious Year, Home Study Edition as a container to really dive deep into this shit, a sacred space to do the inner work, and to show up for yourself.