And whoever "they" are, I'm right there with them!
It can be really scary thinking of bringing someone else into your journey. Sometimes it can be so hard to justify spending money on ourselves and we worry if it’ll work out. If you’re curious to see if we’d be a good fit or if my approach would work for you, here’s what some of my past clients have said about working with me and our time together to give you a better idea!
If you want to find out more about what coaching is, how it could help you, and how to find someone who would be a good fit for you, I’ve written this post which will help!
Meg is someone who can meet you exactly where you are, and help you find the best way to move forward. She also may surprise you in being able to guide you to a different path (that you've had inside all along and just haven't been able to see) or a new way of thinking about your life.
“Before working with Meg, I was feeling very doubtful and discouraged about my ability to work/make money/find a meaningful life purpose. I was stuck in worrying WAY too much about what others were thinking about me, and was paralyzed because of this.
I had been unemployed for a time (after running my own music teaching studio), and was having difficulty looking ahead in my life in a positive way. My hesitations were a) the expense (it's a lot of money to drop) and b) that I would "fail" at the goals that I set. Today, on the other side of working with Meg, I feel like I've changed immensely as a person!
I feel so much clearer about who I am and about what I want and don't want in life. I feel more grounded in an understanding of my own mindset (and how it helps and hinders me). There is major clarity around "money mindset," as well as my approach to self-care and the definition of a meaningful life. It feels possible to imagine the life that I actually want. I had always pushed that away as too fanciful, but now I know that setting that dream as my North Star is the only way forward. I loved talking together and delving into the way our brains work. This helped me to see my own patterns, foibles and strengths.
Our sessions helped me with many, many things. However, the biggest impact was probably helping me to internalize the truth that I am okay just as I am, and I can learn to work with that person in a compassionate way. Meg is a visionary. I believe that she has an innate gift of seeing the best in people. I was so impressed by and grateful for the way Meg did not use guilt or shame as tools. Instead, she embodied compassion, and made me WANT to improve and to create lasting and nourishing practices in my life. I love the way Meg teaches the feminine principle of strength in fluidity and intuition!
I feel wonderful about my experience. Meg made the sessions into a warm, safe, yet challenging space in which to do important internal/external work! I often forget details, so it was super helpful to have the notes Meg provided to look back on. I am still using them today, and will continue to do so! I love reading through the notes and being able to explore the many wonderful resources Meg shared.
Meg is a fantastic coach who truly focuses on the whole person in her work. She is skilled at organization/planning/accountability and will help you get your project off the ground (if that is what you need). She also may surprise you in being able to guide you to a different path (that you've had inside all along and just haven't been able to see) or a new way of thinking about your life. Meg is someone who can meet you exactly where you are, and help you find the best way to move forward. She is a person who knows how to lift others up. This is a skill that is deeply necessary in our world today. She is the absolute epitome of a Couragemaker!”
“Meg really helped me see my potential and think more positively about the ways my various interests could be brought together.”
“When I started working with Meg, I was going through a difficult time and as one dream had ended and I felt I was starting from scratch. I needed some help and support to start shaping my new career path and felt safe and encouraged having listened to Meg’s podcasts and learned about her ethos.
Meg really helped me see my potential and think more positively about the ways my various interests could be brought together. I now feel motivated to keep building my own brand and see where it takes me. It now feels possible that I can build a brand around myself as a solo practitioner and include all my passions within it, and for that to make sense. I really benefited from knowing there was someone I could email, who would be supportive and encouraging, and that I was accountable my progress. Meg is warm, encouraging, friendly, open and un-intimidating - she is so down to earth which meant the sessions felt like talking to a friend, so I felt I could be honest, and the suggestions and outcomes felt grounded and achievable.
Meg listens, gets to know and identify passions and skills. She provide loads of inspiration and creative approaches to being a solo creative. She provide a wealth of resources (I'm still working through them and using them now!), as well as supportive structure, through roadmaps, accountability and her 100 day approach which really helps as a way of seeing and celebrating progress. The only hesitation was spending the money on something with no guaranteed outcome, but it was well worth it!”
“I felt like the disparate parts of myself had to remain separate. I now feel like I have a plan and a direction, and it can encompass all the different parts of me. ”
Olu Niyi-Awosusi
Web developer, social justice activist
“Before working with Meg I was stuck on how my passions and goals could come together as a cohesive whole, and also how i could monetise things beyond tech. I felt like the disparate parts of myself had to remain separate. I now feel like I have a plan and a direction, and it can encompass all the different parts of me. It now feels possible to monetise my interests beyond my day job, bringing everything under one personal brand.
The thing I found the most helpful was the diagram Meg drew showing how things I care about overlap and intersect. Meg helped me look at my career and what i thought were "extra-curriculars" in a very different way. I feel so much more excited and positive about the future, and I have a plan.”

Self love & body confidence coach
“Meg sparked something inside of me - something that was there but that I had pushed down through fear recently.”
“I LOVED working with Meg - I thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt really seen and heard and I felt that she 'got me' very quickly. I felt like she was on my side right from the beginning. Before our work together I was feeling stuck, trapped by fear - particularly of being seen. I was taking baby steps with my business but something was holding me back from taking any leaps! Now I feel motivated, courageous, ALIVE!!! I also feel proud of the progress we made - and I have made since. Meg sparked something inside of me - something that was there but that I had pushed down through fear recently.
Meg is compassionate, perceptive, articulate, enthusiastic. She have a great way of reframing things to get around blocks. Meg made me feel safe and seen right from the beginning - and I needed that. I trusted her very early on. I’ll never forget it!”
“You know all that negative self talk you have in your head? Well, imagine having someone who can tell it to shut up and give you real alternatives, with back up exercises to do!”
“Before working together, I was despairing of ever getting anything creative ever made again. Meg enabled me to unpick a whole knitting bag of tangles that have prevented me moving forward with my little business.
She had such clarity, shining a light on it all, so that I could break down an unsurmountable issue into small tasks and get on with it! Moving forward I can ABSOLUTELY see a way ahead that is manageable. I have started to get myself organised to start making bags again in a way that is manageable and sustainable for me. It was really useful working in a way that was good for me - that Meg asked me what was best for me beforehand rather than trying to cram me into a coaching square hole when I'm a slightly oval block!
If you’re considering working with Meg DO IT! You know all that negative self talk you have in your head? Well, imagine having someone who can tell it to shut up and give you real alternatives, with back up exercises to do! It's uncanny the way that Meg can unearth the truths that you think you're cleverly hiding behind that door in your head. It's almost as if she's in there with a torch!”
“It now feels possible that I am actually going to start taking steps forward on what I want to do with my life, instead of being stuck following a particular path just because that’s what I see so many other people doing, even other creative people. ”
“Before working with Meg I was really struggling with the shame and perfectionism around starting and stopping, “failing” so many times. It was making it hard to pick up and keep going when I had this voice in the back of my head that said, why bother, you’ll just stop again and quit/fail like you’ve done every time before. All of that was leading me to feel stuck and frustrated because I wanted to do this creative thing but I was holding myself back.
After working with Meg, I now feel free of that ridiculous “truth” about myself that I was lugging around — that past failures or unmet goals meant that I was incapable and would never finish anything. I honestly feel so much lighter in my soul, knowing now that I can start over again as many times as it takes, and that what it actually means is that I’m committed to continue trying over and over again, not that I keep stopping. Somehow that re-frame stuck with me, and it has made a huge difference.
I feel empowered to go out there and just take the next first step and I have a ton of great tangible ideas rolling around in my brain that are inspiring what that next action is going to be. It now feels possible that I am actually going to DO something this year, that I am going to live up to my promises to myself and start taking steps forward on what I want to do with my life, instead of being stuck following a particular path just because that’s what I see so many other people doing, even other creative people. There is no one way, and I feel like I have new fire under me to just do what feels right to me, even if it’s not the thing I see everyone else doing.
I loved being able to ask Meg questions as they came up for me, and get outside perspective on different ways I could approach my goals. I feel empowered to go out and do MY thing. The weight of the weird shame around “failing” in this writing thing all my life is like, totally gone. I’ve been getting back to the 100 day project and I’ve missed days in between but I just keep going back to it and there is no longer any weird negative self-talk telling me that I’m just going to fail again so why bother. Meg was compassionate, open, asked lots of good questions, genuinely interested in me and what I needed and how we could best get me to where I wanted to be
The experience was amazingly helpful and motivating for me. The way she helped me to reframe things that I had known before but never really “got” have made a huge difference in my outlook and on the future of my creative projects and the creative career that I am making for myself.”
Katie CritellI
Data scientist, writer, musician
“What was previously an abstract wish that I felt I didn’t have permission to pursue now feels like something attainable and exciting if I keep on the path.”
The biggest impact my work with Meg had on me was showing me how to turn a dream into something concrete, which is a skill I was not good at before. She also showed me that even creative types need to put themselves out there, market themselves, and have a set of business skills under their belts.
“My favorite part was when Meg came up with ideas that captured exactly what I wanted but never could have come up with. In one session, she threw out the idea of a digital magazine as a way to release my writing and I thought it was absolutely brilliant (and answered a lot of logistical issues I had). The creative ideas she comes up with are wonderful; the fact that she shares your excitement and helps you turn them into something real makes it even better.Before working with Meg, I was stuck in terms of my location, my work situation, and my creativity. I had a number of passions- writing and music especially- but I had no idea how to market myself in those areas, let alone make any money. It felt like my life was a series of small puzzle pieces that I had no idea how to connect, leaving me intensely frustrated.
What I found very special was Meg's blend of enthusiasm, empathy, and practicality. She took the time to listen and completely understand where I was coming from (financially and health-wise) and helped build a bridge to where I wanted to go. The fact that she could share my excitement and keep sparking new ideas while staying totally grounded about how I could reach them was very refreshing.
My hesitation was that a coach would end up being like a cheerleader- emotionally peppy and that's all. I was nervous because I knew that the sessions would cost me money at a time when I was unemployed. What enticed me to try it out was stumbling across a blog post from Meg's website. Not only did the post completely capture how I was feeling at that moment but it expressed a way out of it that helped me so much at that moment. As I explored Meg's site and what she stood for, I felt that this was someone I could totally get behind working with. Working with Meg has been a huge positive catalyst for me. Not only did she approach our work with an attitude of hope and genuine excitement, but she helped me put my life back together by understanding where I was stuck, what I truly wanted, and how that could best be offered to the world. She came up with creative paths I had never considered and am now totally excited about following. She gave me resources and a plan to help make it all a reality. I feel like she gave me the guidance and roadmap to pursue a path I'm thrilled about. What was previously an abstract wish that I felt I didn't have permission to pursue now feels like something attainable and exciting if I keep on the path.
It's a testament to how carefully Meg listens and how thoughtful she is that so many of your suggestions and ideas have turned out to be spot-on and resonate with me. Pursuing the steps we designed- even when the road has been bumpy and I have to re-design some pieces of it- has given me a huge amount of pleasure and empowerment. I see now how much of my life is in my control and is just a matter of taking small steps and experimenting.”
Freelance graphic designer
“I feel like I can achieve so much more than I ever thought possible. Meg has helped me to change the way I think about myself and what I’m capable of. She helps move people forward by asking the right question and enforcing accountability but leads with kindness! ”
“Before working with Meg, I felt SO lost!! My job was getting me down and making me resentful with no mental energy - I was a husk!! I wanted to find my place in the world but just didn't know how to get there. I was I felt completely useless with zero confidence. I went in feeling like a tiny little scared mouse hiding away not knowing what to do or where to go.
Although I'll always feel a bit of a scared mouse, after working with Meg, I'm now riding up front with the lions facing whatever is to come :)
I’m quitting my job to work for myself - I'm about to change my entire life and feel like YES I can actually do this!! With all seriousness, I couldn't have made the decision if I been working with Meg, it's helped me plot out a new path in my life, one that is totally unexpected. Working with Meg has been one of the best investments I ever made and it's an investment in myself!! I really believe that working with Meg has been a game changer!! Don't be scared off by the 'coach' label it's not the stereotypical 'Life Coach = Life Crisis' experience. The idea of 'coaching' has always seemed a bit sleazy and a bit corporate. It was a bit scary putting my money out there for what was the unknown however listing to Meg’s The Couragemakers Podcast, I felt like I was able to identity with the issues that were being talked about and that made me feel you would get how I was feeling! Coaching is just like training for a sport, you need someone to have your interests at heart, cheer you on, keep you on track and help you up when you fall! Oh and celebrate the wins!!!!!!!!! People invest in Gym memberships to improve how they feel outwardly so what's the difference in changing how you feel about the rest of you?!
After working with Meg, I feel bloody brilliant!! I feel like I can achieve so much more than I ever thought possible. Meg has helped me to change the way I think about myself and what I'm capable of. She is always so positive and realistic about what can be achieved and she is a fountain of knowledge and always has some sort of valuable resource to hand. Meg is an outsider - in a good way! She has a great skill of looking at things from afar with a different perspective and has turned my whole way of thinking about myself on its head.
Meg is warm and real!! She say it like it is and this is gold in itself. She helps move people forward by asking the right question and enforcing accountability but leads by kindness! She helps identity strengths in people and come up with practical actionable steps! As well as a whole heap of references and resources to pull from.
She is the cheerleader everyone deserves! After working with Meg, I genuinely feel like a whole new person, Imi 2.0!!”
Writer, artist, adventurer
“If you feel like you have something positive to offer the world but don’t exactly know what, if you’re afraid you could be doing so much more to create the world in which you want to live but don’t know what action to take, if you want to bring your full, genuine self into the world but could use some encouragement, Meg is absolutely the woman to work with.””
“Prior to working with Meg, I was feeling stuck—I knew I had potential and ideas to share that could make a positive impact, but I didn't know what sort of project to pursue. My previous ideas were feeling stale and I wasn't excited about them enough to fuel meaningful action.
I hadn't thought it was possible to wrap all of my interests/ideas into a single project, but Meg was able to look at the big picture, ask me questions that got to the essence of it all, and help me come up with an idea that encompasses my full self.
Now I feel so excited because now I can see the doors wide open and know exactly what small steps to take next to get everything rolling. I love that the idea we found will be able to grow and evolve along with me, as this is very important to me.
My favorite part of our work together was getting to idea bounce with someone who "gets" me. Meg is incredibly creative, so there aren't boxes limiting her ideas, plus she's so passionate about work/creations which make a positive impact.
I loved working with Meg -she exceeded all of my expectations. I especially liked that she recorded and emailed me the calls; I wouldn't have expected it to be as helpful as it was to listen again after some time had passed, but they were very valuable. I also liked how Meg allowed for some chit chat before the call. Again, this is something I hadn't even thought of, but believe it did help me relax and get more comfortable before the "official" session began.
If you feel like you have something positive to offer the world but don't exactly know what, if you're afraid you could be doing so much more to create the world in which you want to live but don't know what action to take, if you want to bring your full, genuine self into the world but could use some encouragement, Meg is absolutely the woman to work with.”

Illustrator & Digital Storyteller
“Working with Meg has got me back on track doing what I love, incorporating my core values and daring to be authentic.”
“Before I started working with Meg, I felt lost and overwhelmed by all the different hats one has to wear as a self employed artist. I started to doubt myself and my decisions because there was no one I could bounce them off with. Now I feel re-assured that I’m good enough and full of good ideas and plans we developed together which gave me a sense of direction.
Working with Meg has got me back on track doing what I love, incorporating my core values and daring to be authentic.
What is special about working with Meg is that she doesn’t apply a one-fits-all-solution but are sensitive to the individual quirks and needs. Meg’s positivity, excitement and enthusiasm are contagious! She is the perfect feel-good boost doubting artists like me need! If you’re thinking of working with Meg, go for it!”
Writer, Teacher, Activist, Actor, and Academic.
“I didn’t expect such personal attention, such marvellous, gentle support, and to grow so much. ”
"Before working with Meg I was feeling overwhelmed; there was so much I (felt) I should have been doing. There was so much I (felt) I was failing at. I didn't know where to start. I was stuck, and on the verge of getting very ill.
What is unique about working with Meg is the passion she has for her work, and for mine; her unbounded enthusiasm; her unconditional support; her ability to help me see *myself* more clearly.
I didn't expect such personal attention, such marvellous, gentle support, and to grow so much.
I loved how Meg taught me to be gentle with myself and opened me up to learning so much about myself and the way I operate. Now everything has changed. Everything. Because 'everything' has changed: I received much wisdom from Meg, and realised that the 'everything' I need to do, is the 'everything' that only I can do. Now I feel capable! Excited! Enthusiastic! Joyful! :)"
Creative Director
“I turned to Meg to help me get back my courage and be more resilient in the face of bullshit.”
"Meg is an absolute god-send. I had a brutal period where my dream-based goals were being destroyed by negative people in my family and it destroyed me. I turned to Meg to help me get back my courage and be more resilient in the face of bullshit. Not only did she help me get my emotions (and productivity!) back on track, I now know that I am not alone in facing these struggles as a creative, passionate, bad ass woman.
She listened, comforted, and assured me— but not just that- she gave me actionable steps to bring my reality back to joy. I recommend her to every single ambitious woman venturing in the world in their own way. She is an invaluable resource to this world and I am endlessly grateful to know her and for her sharing her knowledge, talents, and gifts. "
Author, Critic and Journalist
Before I started working with Meg I was very blocked and very stressed. I didn’t feel like I had any control over my workflow and I felt pretty isolated. The biggest impact of working with Meg was how we overhauled my approach to work!
My favourite part of working together was having someone to analyse my to do list with and make sure it’s really serving me. I now have so many more strategies not only for my work, for my work life balance and everything feels possible! Working with Meg was all I thought it would be and more. Meg really got what I needed - even when I didn’t! If you're looking for hand holding, ass kicking and perspective, do it. Do it do it do ittttt. DO IT!
“I now have so many more strategies not only for my work, for my work life balance and everything feels possible! ”
Virtual Assistant
After working with Meg, I feel lighter! I feel like there are more possibilities! I feel more deserving. I can enjoy my life more and I do enjoy my work more. I have more focus and feel more creative.
I also really appreciated that Meg didn't tell me what to do. I didn't need that! It felt doable and positive and Meg just asked me to try my best. I felt like we connected quickly, she created a space of trust and didn't judge. The homework made me feel like I was always moving forward and the speed didn't matter. It was at my pace and what I needed. I felt like someone was in my corner. Like a safe space to share how I really feel and not paint it in a completely positive way and I felt comfortable to share how much more I wanted for myself. I feel like I can fit everything in a little easier now and I make decisions for how I spend my time from a different place after working with Meg.
I was amazed at how much progress I made in less than a month with Meg's help. She was gentle, acted as a guide, gave me ideas, asked really good questions. I liked how she would follow up and send something in between sessions. I love how Meg isn’t bossy - she made really listened to and, customized her suggestions/exercises for me.
Working with Meg is a little life coaching, a lot of support, understanding, accountability, like a partner in your life who is totally on your side, a gift to yourself and your potential, someone to help you uncover or get back to yourself, what you enjoy, the little things that bring you joy.
Life is a better reflection of my goals. Meg gave me focus and helped me to figure it out for myself.
Do it for yourself! You deserve it. You won't believe the transformation on the other side. Meg is supportive, kind, gentle, an amazing guide and you will be in good hands.
“Working with Meg is a little life coaching, a lot of support, understanding, accountability, like a partner in your life who is totally on your side, a gift to yourself and your potential, someone to help you uncover or get back to yourself, ”
Before starting our session I felt stuck on many levels. I had just left my former job which was draining and partly pretty soul-sucking
Since working with Meg, I feel that I am actually capable of going out into this world and showing the person I am with a more confidence.
I try to speak up more for myself. Before the sessions I felt more like I would hide myself, not speak about what concerns and matters to me and kept to myself more in conversations and meetings with strangers, people I did not know well or did not trust. Now I feel like I have found this seed of confidence in me again that needs to be watered and pampered. But it grows steadily.
After our sessions I seriously feel like a big curtain has lifted and I can see clearer and it feels all easier and I am more light-hearted. I was amazed by how Meg narrowed themes/ issues/ topics/ rambly thoughts of mine down to the main thing and summed them up in her own words. She seemed to filter out the essential theme or topic.
I think what is really unique about Meg's way of working is her skill of asking the deep, important questions and getting to the roots of topics/ issues/ themes. Working with Meg has been one of the most empowering experiences for me!
If you are looking for an amazing coach who not only creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere and a safe space for thoughts, ideas, concerns but helps you figure out what the matter at its core is with the deep questions, do not hesitate, do it!
“If you are looking for an amazing coach who not only creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere and a safe space for thoughts, ideas, concerns but helps you figure out what the matter at its core is with the deep questions, do not hesitate, do it!”
“The work we did was so actionable that I am able to go back to my notes and apply what we did during our sessions to whatever else comes up!”
Before working with Meg, I was probably way more fearful of success then I actually realized. As we went through our sessions it was more that #1: I didn't understand all i needed to do to be successful and #2: I finally realized I held myself back by self-sabotage because it had been a habit engrained from my younger days.
I knew by failing I would be responsible to no one. Now I want to be responsible to myself and others but need systems and support to do so. After working with Meg I more organized, less stressed and excited bout the future! We really hit a high-note (no pun intended) working through my issues with getting onstage. It became fun and my fear faded and the work began. I set myself up for success and because of that I actually enjoyed my success.
Meg is very uplifting but you also good at calling people out and then supporting them by finding a way to work through the bull-shit and get over our own hurdles.

ways of working together
brain huddle strategy session!
The ultimate brainstorming + strategy session for multi-passionates who want to get unstuck, find clarity & build momentum. This is currently the only way of working 1:1 with me!
one woman band club
My flagship group coaching programme! Through a magic blend of group coaching calls, 1:1 coaching, co-working and a private community, you spend 100 days of making shit happen in the company of a close knit group of likeminded couragemakers.
the rebel artist’s way
A six month group programme where we working through The Artist’s Way, Rebel-Style! You’ll be doing and FINISHING the Artist’s Way with a community of likeminded women who really get it, and together we’ll all be showing up for our own creative journeys