about me!
I’m Meg and I want to make sure the history books are overflowing with creative, rebellious and fabulously weird women who left the world a brighter place than how they found it.
I’m a coach, podcaster and professional rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously weird women and I’m currently experimenting being location independent!.
I’m all about helping you show up in the world as your most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only you can do and make the world a brighter place.
📷 credit: Rachel Burt
everything changes when you believe you matter

I’m on a mission.
A mission to create a world of colourful, creative and rebellious women who are owning their gifts, finding and following their unconventional callings and making the world a brighter place through the things they are uniquely equipped to do.
I started The Rebel Rousers! because I see too many brilliant and fabulously creative women with huge dreams talk themselves out of doing the work they were meant to do and instead become their very own personal dreamshitters.
That story has been my story too, and it’s about time we reconfigure the plot!
I do this through coaching 1:1, my group accountability programme - One Woman Band and through my two podcasts; The Couragemakers and The Daily Pep!
📷 credit: Rachel Burt
fun facts!
I would very much like to be Dolly Parton when I grow up.
I’m a nerd for personality tests. I’m a proud INFJ, Highly Sensitive Person, Questioner tendency and Alchemist archetype.
My life motto is ‘everything changes when you believe you matter’

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been colourful, loud, and a worrier, concerned with making the world a brighter place.
Growing up, I wore Doc Martins way before they were cool which led to an ‘interesting’ school experience, and I’ve always felt like a bit of a misfit, a bit of an outsider, wondering where my people were.
Combine that with being a Type A overachieving creative and you’ve found the recipe for perfectionism, people-pleasing and self-doubt.
(Cue many years of creative blocks and trying not to crumble under the self-imposed pressure.)
As I started to pave my way into the world, I found my home in the world of feminist activism and spent the next decade working in non profits. That is, until I burned out - hard - and had to come face to face with the fact that my inner dreamshitter had been running the show. And it was time to try something new.
I knew something was missing and there had to be more to life. I wasn’t following the beat of my drum. Hell, I’d forgotten I had a drum. And I’d given other people the drumsticks. And lost all my enthusiasm.
My dreams of travelling, of writing a novel, of putting myself out there certainly weren’t happening. I knew something had to change. After a serious period of intense depression and anxiety and a couple of very toxic working environments, I decided enough was enough.
It was while on sick leave, I stumbled into the world of being a multi-passionate, of lifestyle design, of a whole world of creative women doing creative things on their own terms and I started to explore whether I could do the same.
I spent a lot of time working on myself, figuring out what I wanted and finding a way of doing life that left me inspired rather than burnt out, hopeful instead of hopeless and fulfilled instead of empty. It was at the time I started The Rebel Rousers, in the hopes of helping other women find the same.
The next couple of years were spent leaving toxic work environments, accidentally becoming a graphic designer and starting to work for myself, doing a 3 month road trip across the US via buses (yep), and starting to explore who I could be when I wasn’t being bossed around by my inner dreamshitter.
Since 2016, I’ve been coaching the most eclectic and fabulous mix of creative women, helping them to build a wholehearted life they love and do the things only they can do. I get to use all my strategic skills in a way that lights me up and brings the world a brighter place and I can honestly say I fucking love the work I do.
Right now, I now live in Liverpool with Mr Meg and our ridiculous cockapoo Merlin. I spend my days working with wonderful creative women, recording episodes of Couragemakers and The Daily Pep!, making all manners of bright encouraging shit and embracing all the pieces of me instead of running away from them.
“I’ve got everything sorted.” said no one ever.
And that’s certainly the case with me.
But now, instead of beating myself up and putting ridiculous pressures on myself, I can truly say that I love the messy, colourful, (in all senses of the word), compassionate and flamboyant person I am.
And I want to help you do the same.
my commitment to you
I solemnly swear to not pretend I have all my shit figured out, to share my experiences not as gospel, but as an invitation to explore your own experiences and to provide a shit-tonne of practical stuff to help you own, live and share your stories.