Frequently Asked Questions


DO i need to sign up for the whole 12 months?

Nope! You can get each of the Solo Adventures individually as they become available! The benefit of joining Your Rebellious Year is you’re committing to yourself and your creativity for a year, each Solo Adventure builds on the next, and you’re also getting a huge saving verus purchasing them individually!

What happens at the end of Your Rebellious Year, home study edition?

You’ll continue to have access to each of the Solo Adventures, as well as The Rebel Social.


what happens when i sign up?

You’ll receive a welcome email with access to the first Solo Adventure: Exploring your relationship with creativity. New adventures are released on the 15th of the month (until Jan 15th 2025), and they’ll be delivered straight to your inbox!

when is each solo adventure relased?

On the 15th of each month. You’ll get an email as soon as it’s live with access to the dashboard and all the treats!


i have another question, or I’m not sure if it’s for me!

I completely get it, I always have a bunch more questions and I get that investing in something just for you can be a bit daunting. You can reach me via email: meg [at] and I’ll be honest and help you figure out if its a good fit for you!