
the 2024 Rebel rousers calendar!


A fabulous 2024 calendar to give you some rebel rousing when you most need it, reminders you are fucking fabulous the way you are, and a built in habit tracker to help you build a life you love!

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This is a really simple way of building habits and keeping track of the things you really want to prioritise and make time for.

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so…why does this exist?

and who are you?!


📸 Rachel Burt

I’m Meg Kissack, a coach for multi-passionate and unconventional women and host of The Daily Pep! Podcast, The Couragemakers Podcast. I'm all about helping you show up in the world as your most courageous and authentic self, do the epic shit only you can do and make the world a brighter place.

Since I started The Rebel Rousers back in 2014, I always wanted to create quirky, colourful, encouraging and useful things to remind people they matter. I've had ideas of notebook ranges, postcards, jewellery, you name it. And I am SO excited my first physical product is here!

With the calendar I’ve combined things I love the most: bright colours, pep talks and practical tools to create something that’s not only wonderful to look at but really fucking helpful to use!



Along with the calendar, you also get an invite to join the Rebel Social, a place to continue to connect, find your people and make new friends with a group of brilliant women!

The Rebel Social is a monthly hangout on Zoom and a Facebook group for all the fabulous women I’ve worked with and a place to really find your people, share your wins and get feedback from a group of like-minded and like-valued women who really just get it!

PS. It also happens to make an epic gift…just saying!

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