A compassionate and bullshit-free workshop to help spring clean the not-so-helpful and not-so-true stories we all tell ourselves that unintentionally keep us stuck

Saturday 27th APRIL, 7PM-9PM (UK TIME), ZOOM

In Spring we tend to declutter our living spaces and our habits, but I think it’s fair to say our brain boxes could do with a good declutter too!

In this workshop, you’ll come together with a group of like-minded women, and I’ll be taking us through a framework (that you can back to time and time again!) to examine the stories we tell ourselves, and tell ourselves more honest stories!

We’ll get honest and kind about our own cobwebs, sweep them away and replace them with truer and more helpful stories!

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the fuck the cobwebs workshop is your invite to spring clean the stories you tell about yourself, give yourself a boost of confidence and march into spring feeling refreshed, reinspired and with a fuckload more mojo!

Using the metaphors of spring cleaning and cobwebs, we’ll be sweeping away the cobwebs, polishing up our tools to keep the cobwebs away in the future, and uncovering the superpowers and helpful things that hide behind the dust!

I’ll lead you through a series of exercises and together we’ll blow away the cobwebs and start to uncover some great shit that often gets overshadowed by your inner critic.

Together we’ll explore the dusty places, and work to replace the bullshit stories our inner dreamshitter feeds us on the daily, with more truthful and more helpful stories.

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 in this fun, 2-hour workshop, we’ll:

  • Examine the stories you tell yourself and replace them with more honest stories

  • Go through a framework to examine the stories we tell ourselves, and write more honest stories

  • Take some of the power away from your inner dreamshitter and get a confidence boost

  • Blow away the cobwebs so you can march into spring with more mojo and more brain space!

  • Gather with a group of likeminded women who really get it (You’re more than welcome to turn your camera on, or off, and you’ll be invited to share as you do the work with a group of like-minded women.)

and you’ll walk away with:

  • A framework to examine the stories you tell yourself

  • A set of tools you can use time and time again to examine unhelpful beliefs and reframing those stories that your inner critic makes up!

  • The knowledge that you’re not alone, and a fabulous community of women!

  • Feeling more confident, ready to take on new projects and feeling a shitload lighter and more compassionate towards yourself!

  • A fabulous community of likeminded women!

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how much is it?

your investment: £15

This includes:

  • The live workshop

  • lifetime access to the replay (if you can't make it live, I've got you covered!)

  • Lifetime access The Rebel Social - a monthly hangout on Zoom and a Facebook group for all the fabulous women I’ve worked with and a place to really find your people, share your wins and get feedback from a group of like-minded and like-valued women who really just get it!

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I went into this workshop feeling very anxious, like I had a never ending to do list and feeling really low about how much I hadn’t achieved this year. I came out of this workshop feeling confident, happy and energised; realising that I have in fact achieved a hell of a lot this year and excited to start my projects.

In just two hours Meg managed to completely shift my perspective from one of self depreciation to self compassion, which I am truly grateful for. Meg created such a warm and comfortable environment, where I got to learn so much about myself as well as connecting with some amazing people.

This workshop was full to the brim of encouragement, kindness and self compassion. I never expected to get so much out of one workshop. Meg radiates positivity but in such an honest, humorous and considerate way. I will definitely be booking onto the next one.

A massive heartfelt thank you.

Catherine BRady

I loved the workshop! It was really valuable to make some space for that reflection.

Your metaphor worked really well and is easy to really take on board- I've even been taking it further for myself e.g. 'what crops are you sharing, what crops are you storing'.

It was so helpful to acknowledge some of the things you don't usually think so much about, such as tools.

Hannah Jones

I think the most important thing was that you made us feel seen. Zoom meetings always run the risk of being quite anonymous, where you're muted on entry and listen for the duration for the session, and it was so nice to feel like it really was an online get-together rather than a seminar. I love how you used people's names (it makes such a difference!), gave us loads of opportunities to use the chat function or unmute ourselves, introduce ourselves in the beginning, and I love that we have further opportunities to connect afterwards.

The Creative Harvest (and other seasonal courses) is such a good idea, Meg, and I know from the flurry of IG messages afterwards that people really did get a lot out of it. I hope you enjoyed it too!

Emily Richardson