the daily pep thoughts!


Hello Daily Peppers! 👋

As we all know, during the lifespan of every creative project, there comes a time when you feel a bit stuck. And as The Daily Pep! celebrates its third (!!) birthday, that's where I am!

One of my favourite things about The Daily Pep is the community, and one of the things I bang on a lot about is how building a life you love takes a shitload of courage, and you don't have to do it I'm taking a leaf out of my own book!

I'm feeling the need to switch The Daily Pep! up a bit, and I'm coming up against a wall. I would LOVE to hear any thoughts you might have as I look towards the next phase of The Daily Pep!

I’ve put together a seriously short couple of questions below, and I would love your thoughts if you have a minute! 💖