What past One Woman Band Club alumni have said and done!



“Before One Woman Band Club, I was a little stuck, a little slow, a little alone. Now I’m feeling connected, supported, and happy! Meg is the hardest working creative I know! She has a way of pulling the best out of everyone, asking just the right prompts, and putting the confidence in you to move forward!”



“It's been so helpful having this whole thing keep track of my progress. It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking I haven't done much but Meg was always there to remind me how much I actually have done and help me if I got stuck with anything. One Woman Band Club was so much more than I expected. I hoped to get accountability and motivation but I also ended up feeling so connected to everyone and becoming so invested in everyone's journey and progress.”



“I feel like I have direction now.  I feel so nurtured and like there are people who get what I'm about, and what I'm trying to do in the world, and that people will want to be a part of it--and I'm starting to have the confidence to put it out there.  My whole mindset has shifted. I wasn't expecting the epic amount of time and energy and love you put into it!  You really invested so much in all of us and I felt really lucky and grateful to be a part of it!”