• Good morning Daily peppers and a very happy Friday interview. So about three years ago now, I rebranded my business from that Hummingbird Life to the Rebel Rises. And one of the reasons I did that is because I know there are so many things around here. We are rebelling. We are rebelling against perfectionism.

    We are rebelling against toxic productivity and toxic positivity, and we are really rallying for building a life we love and doing that on our own terms. And I bring this up because lately I'm really adding in another thing I'm rebelling against. And it's this idea that we have to do things all on our.

    One of the things that continues to overwhelm me and frustrate me is how as women, we are expected to have it all. We are expected to do it all, and we are expected to do it on our own. And not only that, we are expected to do it with a smile on our face and look damn fucking good while we're doing it.

    And to me that is just massively unrealistic, unsustainable. and also really unfair. It's an unfair expectation to put on ourselves. And rarely do we have the spaces that we can openly say, do you know what, this is bullshit. And the fact that I can't do everything is not a reflection of my personal failing, but is a reflection on how society is often pretty fucked up.

    Because here's the thing, we are humans. We are social creatures and we are not meant to do it all on our own. If we look back at history, there are so many examples of communities really coming together. This whole idea that it takes a village to raise a child, and generally there is an acceptance of the fact that you're not just supposed to be an island.

    So if you are finding things incredibly hard at the. I want you to ask yourself whether you are putting way too much pressure on your own shoulders to get everything done and what you can take off. Now, I know it's not quite as simple as this because there are so many things that we can't just decide not to do, and sometimes it is not an option to delegate.

    But you can start thinking about what are realistic and sustainable expectations to put on yourself and what. And I dunno about you, but if I think about the fact that it is actually impossible to be on top of everything and do everything after I've got over my initial disappointment, it is actually pretty fucking liberating.

    So here's to continue to be rebels. Here's to knowing that we are not meant to be islands, and here's to knowing that it does take a shit load of courage to build a life you. , but you don't have to do it alone. And to end the episode, just a quick shameless plug to my group coaching program, one woman band club that is currently open for enrollment, because this entire episode is why I started it.

    There are so many of us juggling so many different plates, wearing so many different hats, and doing it on our own. And we don't realize that there are so many of us out there, and we can be a huge support to each other. You can find out more about the story of one woman band and just how it works by going to the River rises.com/one woman band.

    But if you are sick of being your own island, you really wanna find your own people, the creative quirky weirdos of the world, I definitely recommend having a look. Have a fabulous weekend. I can't wait to see you on Monday As always, and remember as always that everything changes when you believe you matter.