No flat-lays or glam photos to see here! Just me whacking myself in the face with my oversized necklace!

No flat-lays or glam photos to see here! Just me whacking myself in the face with my oversized necklace!

I’m Meg and I’m a coach* for multi-passionate, courage-making, creative, and rebellious women who want to do their own thing and get shit done with more sanity, more flow and a shit-tonne of compassion.

*Wondering WTF a coach is? Read this!


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I’m a Welsh INFJ creative introvert living in Liverpool, UK and working all over the world. As well as being a coach, I am the host of the top-rated podcast Couragemakers (coming up to half a million downloads!) a writer, speaker, maker, and all-round rebel-rouser and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter.

I do my own thing, helping the most eclectic mix of fabulous creative women I’ve ever met to create a wholehearted life they love. And I fucking love it. I’ve worked with writers, illustrators, musicians, researchers, authors, designers, community organisers - many of them blending their own unique combination of a bit of everything - to own, live and share their stories.

And I couldn’t be happier or more grateful to do the work I do.