Drum roll please! You’re a …
Messy rebel!
(Trust me, messy is a good thing, keep reading!)
Your unique brilliance lies in your…
creativity and your ability to make connections between seemingly random ideas. You’re a true multi-passionate and creative powerhouse - it really is true that the magic is in the mess!
when I say MESSY, I mean
You are fabulously unapologetic, authentic and just so gloriously you.
You couldn’t be anyone but you if you tried. You refuse to be put into a box; you have a creative and unconventional spirit and a way of doing things and seeing things that is utterly unique to you.
Your creative brain and your multiple passions mean you’re able to see the connection between seemingly random things, and you bring a new perspective to every situation you’re in.
You’re a huge source of support and inspiration to fellow rebels because you know what it’s like to not fit in, for people to not understand why you do what you do and how you do it. Your sensitivity and empathy make you a natural and fabulous cheerleader for other rebels, and you thrive when you’re surrounded by other unconventional rebels who simply get you.
Out of the four rebel types, you’re the most obvious rebel - you do things your way, you live your life according to your rules - even if it sometimes frustrates you - and you know what does and doesn’t work for you. This is because you have a very strong internal compass.
On the surface, things might look scattered and chaotic, but there is magic in your mess.
You might have your ideas spread across five notebooks and a bunch of misplaced post-it notes, but it all makes sense to you. You’re always finding new ways of doing things because run of the mill solutions don’t work for you. (You’re also a bit of an anarchist when it comes to planning)
how MESSY rebels change the world
Not waiting for things to be perfect means you get things out into the world faster.
Ability to draw connections between all the things you learn and your generosity to share them changes people’s lives.
The combination of your creativity, sensitivity and empathy
Hi, I’m Meg and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter.
I’m a coach, podcaster and professional rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously unconventional women. I help them show up in the world as their most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only they can do and make/leave the world a brighter place.
Your superpower lies in your creative problem-solving skills and your resilience (aka. inner stubborn-ness.)
While you may be highly sensitive and empathetic, you’re also determined and really fucking resilient. Your brain works in colourful, quirky, fabulous ways - own it, and never, ever apologise for it.
You have freedom and autonomy.
You’re in environments where people are open to new ways of doing things. If nurtured and encouraged, you really shake things up and find new solutions and ways of doing things.
You can really get your brain stuck in a project. You love to go down rabbit holes, you love learning, and you need to give yourself permission to get really stuck in!
You’re surrounded by like-minded people who just get it. You’re liberated when you don’t have to justify or explain every decision you make.
You’re using your natural problem-solving skills for your own projects as well as things bigger than you. You make a real impact in communities, and you’re a fabulous brainstorming partner.
You can struggle to finish things because you have so many plates spinning and so many things you want to do.
This makes you overwhelmed and, over time chips away at your confidence because you start to believe the (false) narrative that you are flaky and can’t get stuff done.
You’re spread too thin. You love new projects and rabbit holes, but taking on too much leads to overwhelm, frustration and eventually burnout. (Be careful with over-committing to too many projects.)
In bureaucratic environments where there’s too much red tape. Not only does it stifle your creativity, but it exhausts you like little else.
You’re surrounded by people who are trying to impose their own structure and logic on you.
You’re told how to do something. It stirs up your stubborn-ness, and you’re more likely to do the exact opposite.
When you get wrapped up in perfectionism (most likely when you’re exhausted). You do well winging it - remember, it’s a skill, not a sign you don’t take things seriously.
Flexible structure is your friend
While you might rile against the idea of it, you do need some structure. Forget rigid timetables (you’ll just rebel against them). Instead, experiment with having Themed Days, and a cap on the amount of projects you have at any one time.
Lean into who you are
You’ve spent so much time trying to do things the way you think you should do them, but you know by now it just doesn’t work for you. That’s not some innate fault, it’s just that you do things differently. When you can start to lean into that instead of making you do things that seem to work for everyone else, you’ll find life gets a bit easier.
Finish something - it’ll give you a boost
I bet you’ve got a load of things that are SO close to being done! Choose one of them and commit to finishing it. Not only will it give you a huge confidence boost, but it’s also likely to make you finish even more things and really increase your motivation!
There are SO many resources out there for Messy Rebels! I’ve curated them together in an Ultimate Round-Up!
“Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”
Mae Jemison
The messy rebel’s must-listen podcast episodes
Finish things
Not flaky
Not one path
065: Structure it not the enemy
fellow messy rebels:
Barbara Sher, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tara Mohr, Luna Lovegood (from Harry Potter), Jennifer Lee, Dr Brené Brown, Amanda Palmer, Julia Cameron, Seth Godin, Jason & Caroline Zook, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Liz Gilbert, Morgan Harper Nicholls, Emilie Wapnick, Imi Lo (eggshell therapy), Ash Ambirge, Chase Jarvis, Pat Flynn, Jonathan Fields, Andy J Pizza, Meera Kothand, Kelly Diels, Bell Hooks, Audre Lorde, Sean McCabe, Tiffany Han, Michael Hyatt, Gretchen Rubin, Srinivas Rao, SARK, Elle Luna, Todd Henry, Kelly Rae Roberts, Ricë Freeman-Zachery, Sue Monk Kidd, Matthew Johnstone, Tom Rath, Michelle Goodman, Jacqui Marson, Deb Glouberman, Chris Guillebeau, Susan O’Doherty, Mary Anne Radmacher,