4 fabulous months of working on creating + maintaining sustainable and compassionate habits.

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 We’ve seen the TED talks, we’ve bought the books, and we’ve read the quotes about how the quality of your habits determines the quality of your future

Fuck, some of us even have those quotes on the front of our quirky, colourful notebooks.

But can we just be honest for a second?

Habits are fucking awkward bastards.

We start off with the best intentions, but when something doesn’t stick, we blame ourselves and wonder what’s wrong with us. (And then proceed to buy another book or watch another TED Talk). 

Whether we want:

  • a creative practice

  • to journal regularly

  • a nourishing morning or evening routine

  • to learn a new skill

  • to accomplish a big goal we've been dreaming of for so long

    It can be just so hard to get started, keep going, and be consistent.

but it really fucking matters

We might roll our eyes at the whole #livingmybestlife shit, or we might find consistency scary, but deep down, that’s exactly what we want.

We all want to fulfil our potential.

That’s why we get the books, watch the TED talks and keep trying to find a way that works for us.

That shit about habits being the foundation of everything is true, but we need to find a way to make it work for us.

A way that honours the life you WANT to live, not the life you think you SHOULD live.

A way that feels compassionate and fun rather than like pushing yet another big rock up another big hill.

And in a way that works in alignment with your multi-passionate nature rather than against it.


We’ve read the books, we’ve seen the TED talks, now it’s time to do the things, put it into practice, and do it our own way - rebel rousers style!

introducing the rebel season pass: habits edition




The Habits Season Pass is a curated experience for creative and multi-passionate women who want to get out of their own way and create a life that aligns with their values.

Together we’ll be spring cleaning our mindsets and building sustainable habits and practices that will last WAY beyond the 4 months.


The season pass gives you access to:


(You can find out more about exactly what each of these are by jumping to this part of the page!)


💃 Lifetime access to The Rebel Social

🙌 Whatever else I create during the 4 months! (excluding 1:1 coaching and One Woman Band Club/The Rebel Collective -coming soon!)

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what is a season pass?

For the next 4 months, I’m doing a deep dive into everything to do with habits. By getting the season pass you get access to everything I make in that time! 🎉

You get access to the whole programme of events, and you get an intensive, immersive experience that allows for inspiration, figuring things out and results in meaningful and lasting change, while life happens.

It’s a space where we can really go down rabbit holes, where we can test and try things, and really put things into practice, and tweak as we go.



what’s inside your season pass?


atomic habits book club!*

*exclusive to season pass holders only!

Atomic Habits by James Clear is one of the most prominent books on habit formation, and a book I know so many of us have already got, or have had on our to-read pile for quite some time! So, for extra accountability and extra know-how, we’ll be diving into Atomic Habits during the season pass.

During the 4 months, we’ll have 3 x 90-minute calls to dive into the book, glean the main takeaways and apply them to our lives.




During the season pass, we’ll be decluttering our habits, our spaces and I think it’s fair to say our brain boxes could do with a good declutter to!

Fuck The Cobwebs is a fun 2-hour workshop aimed at spring cleaning your mindset!

We’ll examine the not-so-helpful and not-so-true stories well tell ourselves that unintentionally keep us stuck and you’ll come away feeling refreshed, reinspired and with a fuckload more mojo!


Decluttering get shit done day!

A day of getting shit done, decluttering and co-working in the company of like-minded women.

You, me and a group of like-minded women will spend a day together decluttering and getting shit sorted! At the beginning of the day, you set out our goals and share a bit about your goals then we’ll get to it in dedicated time chunks throughout the day!

Perfect for getting a bit of a clean slate to really lean into your habits!


life bingo workshop!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and your To-Do List could do with a fun-tervention and an overhaul, you’re in luck!

Life Bingo is an unconventional and alternative approach to forming habits and keeping fun interactive account for all the the recurring things you both want and need to do,a


30-day Habit sprint!

We all love a challenge, and we all need accountability! We’ll end the season pass on a high with a 30-day habit sprint to put into practice everything we’ve learned!

Here’s how it works.


    We work together to choose one cornerstone habit to really focus on for 30 days and form an action plan that takes into account any obstacles and resistance.


    Before we get started, we’ll get better acquainted within a private community. This is where we’ll gather during the 30 days to support each other and cheer each other on! You’ll also be put into a Whatsapp pod with some accountability buddies for extra support!


    On Day 1, we’ll gather to officially kick off the challenge, remind ourselves of our goals and get started!

  4. Q&As

    At the mid-way checkpoint, we’ll have a live Q&A call to help you if you’re feeling stuck, celebrate your wins and give you an extra boost of motivation!


    On Day 30, we’ll gather again as a community to celebrate our wins, with cake, and think about our habits moving forward!


lifetime access to the rebel social!

The Rebel Social is a monthly hangout on Zoom and a Facebook group for all the fabulous women I’ve worked with and a place to really find your people, share your wins and get feedback from a group of like-minded and like-valued women who really just get it!

Monthly calls throughout the season pass and beyond!

plus! whatever else I create during our 4 months together

(excluding 1:1 coaching + one woman band club/the rebel collective)

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you’ll come away with:



A shitload of sustainable strategies and frameworks that you can come back to time and time again!

Community + connection

Throughout the season pass (and through The Rebel Social), you’ll meet a fabulous bunch of likeminded women on a similar path, walking alongside you!


confidence + truer stories

You’ll come away with more truthful stories about yourself and will be quite surprised at what you CAN do!

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here’s what you can expect!


"I think the most important thing was that you made us feel seen. Zoom meetings always run the risk of being quite anonymous, where you're muted on entry and listen for the duration for the session, and it was so nice to feel like it really was an online get-together rather than a seminar.”

Emily, Workshop Attendee and Rebel Creators Member


Meg has created a supportive and compassionate space where her warmth and humour shine through every activity.”

Zena, 2 x One Woman Band-er


”I went into it feeling that it might be like work, women who like to climb all over other women to get ahead. It was nothing like that. So many brave and beautiful people - it really restored my faith in sisterhood.”

Emma, 4 x One Woman Band-er

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What’s the investment?

🗓 30-day habit sprint (£125)

📚 Atomic Habits Book Club (£45)

🧹 Get Shit Done Decluttering Day (£35)

🕸 Fuck The Cobwebs Workshop (£25)

🙌 Life Bingo Workshop (£25)

⚡️ Rebel Season Pass Hub to easily access everything, as well as a resources section with books, podcasts and app recommendations all to do with habits!

💃 Lifetime access to The Rebel Social

🎉Anything else I create between now and July 15th (excluding 1:1 coaching, One Woman Band Club/ Rebel Collective)

🔥 4 fabulous months of bringing your ideas into the world, establishing habits & routines and proving that nagging inkling right, that you can do it!

season pass price: £180

(or 4 payments of £45)


So, what do you say, rebel rouser?


Are you ready to create sustainable habits designed for the life you want to live, not the life you think you should live?


Are you ready to do life on your own terms and embrace your one wild and precious life?


Fuck Yes!

Choose your season pass payment method!
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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the season pass?

The rebel season pass is an all-access pass! Between March 15 and July 15, your season pass gives you access to all the thing on this page - including anything else I create during that time period! The only things that are excluded from the season pass are 1:1 coaching calls and One Woman Band Club/The Rebel Collective.

What happens at the end of the season pass?

At the end of the season pass we have a wrap-up call and celebrate with cake! You’ll continue to have access to the replays as well as The Rebel Social. You’ll have the option to continue your Rebel Creator’s membership if you’d like to, and first dibs on the next pass (Sept 2022 - March 2023)!


will there be replays?

Absolutely, all apart from the Get Shit Done Day! You can watch these at your leisure and they’ll be password protected for security. (The Rebel Socials are not recorded as they’re more informal chats!)

what if i can’t make a call?

Not to worry! There’s so much happening within the 4 months, it’s only natural you won’t be able to make every single thing live, and some things will probably appeal to you more than others! There will be replays available within 24 hours of the event which will be sent out after and available via the Rebel Season Pass Hub!


WHere’s it all happening?

Everything is online and calls will take place via Zoom. You’ll have easy access to all the links via your Rebel Season Pass Hub and you’ll also get email reminders before each event.

how do i access everything?

Upon joining, you’ll be invited to join the Rebel Season Pass hub. This will have all the links for the calls, replays when they’re available and all the handy info you need. You’ll also get reminder emails before each event.


what about timezones?

One of the fun things is that you’ll be joined by women from over the world! I do my absolute best to make sure times are suitable for as many people as possible. For the times when you’re not able to make it, replays are available within 24 hours.

what if i just want to come to one of the things?

No problem! You will be able to book the workshops, sprint and Get Shit Done Day separately from the 4th March, 2022.

Please note, the Atomic Habits book club is exclusive to season pass holders and will not be able to purchase separately.


i have another question, or I’m not sure if it’s for me!

I completely get it, I always have a bunch more questions and I get that investing in something just for you can be a bit daunting. You can reach me via email: meg [at] therebelrousers.com and I’ll be honest and help you figure out if its a good fit for you!