Imi Williams

“I wanted to find my place in the world but just didn't know how to get there. I felt completely useless with zero confidence. My job was getting me down and making me resentful with no mental energy. Since our sessions, I'm quitting my job to work for myself - I'm about to change my entire life and feel like YES I can actually do this!! I couldn’t have made the decision if I hadn’t been working with Meg, it's helped me plot out a new path in my life, one that is totally unexpected.

“I feel like I can achieve so much more than I ever thought possible. Meg has helped me to change the way I think about myself and what I’m capable of. She helps move people forward by asking the right question and enforcing accountability but leads with kindness! ”

“Before working with Meg, I felt SO lost!! My job was getting me down and making me resentful with no mental energy - I was a husk!! I wanted to find my place in the world but just didn't know how to get there. I was I felt completely useless with zero confidence. I went in feeling like a tiny little scared mouse hiding away not knowing what to do or where to go.

Although I'll always feel a bit of a scared mouse, after working with Meg, I'm now riding up front with the lions facing whatever is to come :) 

I’m quitting my job to work for myself - I'm about to change my entire life and feel like YES I can actually do this!! With all seriousness, I couldn't have made the decision if I been working with Meg, it's helped me plot out a new path in my life, one that is totally unexpected. Working with Meg has been one of the best investments I ever made and it's an investment in myself!! I really believe that working with Meg has been a game changer!! Don't be scared off by the 'coach' label it's not the stereotypical 'Life Coach = Life Crisis' experience. The idea of 'coaching' has always seemed a bit sleazy and a bit corporate. It was a bit scary putting my money out there for what was the unknown however listing to Meg’s The Couragemakers Podcast, I felt like I was able to identity with the issues that were being talked about and that made me feel you would get how I was feeling! Coaching is just like training for a sport, you need someone to have your interests at heart, cheer you on, keep you on track and help you up when you fall! Oh and celebrate the wins!!!!!!!!! People invest in Gym memberships to improve how they feel outwardly so what's the difference in changing how you feel about the rest of you?!

After working with Meg, I feel bloody brilliant!! She is always so positive and realistic about what can be achieved and she is a fountain of knowledge and always has some sort of valuable resource to hand. Meg is an outsider - in a good way! She has a great skill of looking at things from afar with a different perspective and has turned my whole way of thinking about myself on its head.

Meg is warm and real!! She say it like it is and this is gold in itself. She helps move people forward by asking the right question and enforcing accountability but leads by kindness! She helps identity strengths in people and come up with practical actionable steps! As well as a whole heap of references and resources to pull from. 

She is the cheerleader everyone deserves! After working with Meg, I genuinely feel like a whole new person, Imi 2.0!!”


designer, maker, creative workshop facilitator

Meg Kissack

Hi, I’m Meg and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter!

I’m a coach, serial podcaster (The Couragemakers Podcast + The Daily Pep! Podcast) and all-round rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously weird women. I help them show up in the world as their most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only they can do and make/leave the world a brighter place

📸 credit: Rachel Burt

Vera Howard