what if you could push through your fear and give yourself permission to live your one wild and precious life well?



the women’s creativity circle

A 6-month group coaching program to help you push through your fear and give yourself permission to live your wild creative life.

Join coaches Meg Kissack and Katie Snyder as they lead you and a small group of likeminded women to explore your creativity and start taking practical action towards a courageous creative life.

Together we’ll do a deep dive into fear, trust, perseverance, habits, permission and equip you with the tools and the courage to pursue the things you know are inside you.


what does the program involve?

  • A community of likeminded women to really explore and connect with your creativity on a deeper level.

  • Monthly 2-hour group coaching sessions where we dive into the themes of fear, trust, perseverance, habits, permission and find ways for you to push through your fears and live the courageous creative life you dream of.

  • Direct access to life coaching with both Meg & Katie at a fraction of the normal price.

  • Action steps and accountability to help you along the journey (expect fun and customised homework assignments, unique to you and your situation). We’ll set commitments and accountability during each call.

  • A safe space to get really vulnerable and push through your fear with other women who just get it.

  • Connections and new friendships with likeminded women that will last long past the group.


ABOUT YOUR coaches!

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Meg Kissack is a coach for creative and multi-passionate women, as well as the host of The Couragemakers Podcast and The Daily Pep! Podcast. Meg helps couragemakers and rebel rousers to get out of their own way, make shit happen and do the epic shit only they can do.

Meg has a background working in the nonprofit sector and has 10+ years of strategic experience working within project development, community development, campaigns, communication and participation. Meg is an INFJ creative introvert, lives in Liverpool, UK and believes everything changes when you believe you matter.

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Katie Snyder is a life, business, & enneagram coach, as well as an author & podcast host. She writes and speaks about fear & creativity and believes that better understanding these two subjects are the keys to being brave enough to chase your dreams.

Katie has a bachelor of science degree in research Psychology with a minor in Photography from Milligan College and received her life coach accredited certification from Transformation Academy. She has owned and operated her own wedding and portrait photography business since 2003, and was nominated for Best Management Company by the International Music and Entertainment Awards in 2018.


 program details

We’ll be meeting once a month on Zoom for a two-hour coaching session. All sessions will be recorded so if you can’t make one, you won’t miss out!

SEPTEMBER - Intro to your wild creative life

OCTOBER - Dealing with resistance and fear

NOVEMBER - Creativity and self trust

DECEMBER - Failure, perseverance and permission

JANUARY - Practical habits to support your creativity

FEBRUARY - Sharing your work! (with cake! 🍰)

You will have email access to Meg + Katie between sessions and there will be prompts, reflections and mini-assignments set between calls to keep you taking courageous action and moving forward!



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Through this group, I’ve learned that it's important that I'm honest with myself, and that I take it easy and take more time out to enjoy life. I've been 'in hiding' for a while, afraid to come out of my shell, because of past experiences, and the Women’s Creativity Circle has been one of the first steps towards a more satisfying and sociable life.”


🌟 There are two groups to choose from, one that meets on a Saturday, one that meets on a Wednesday: 🌟


SEPTEMBER - Wednesday 22nd September, 6pm-8pm BST

OCTOBER - Wednesday 20th October, 6pm-8pm BST

NOVEMBER - Wednesday 10th November, 6pm-8pm GMT

DECEMBER - Wednesday 8th December, 6pm-8pm GMT

JANUARY - Wednesday 19th January 6pm-8pm GMT

FEBRUARY - Wednesday 16th February, 6pm-8pm GMT



SEPTEMBER - Saturday 25th September, 6pm-8pm BST 

OCTOBER - Saturday 23rd October, 6pm-8pm BST

NOVEMBER - Saturday 20th November, 6pm-8pm GMT

DECEMBER - Saturday 18th December, 6pm-8pm GMT 

JANUARY - Saturday 22nd January, 6pm-8pm GMT

FEBRUARY - Saturday 19th February, 6pm-8pm GMT 


Investment: 6 payments of £55

or one payment of £330

Places are extremely limited. (8-10 women per group).

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 We asked past participants how they would describe the creativity circle:


“a warm hug, a fabulous chat with amazing friends, the perfect charcuterie board, a relaxing vacation, a deep dive into your journal.

I began needing to be more connected to me and others around creativity. Now, since your voices live in my head and keep telling me to go for it, everything feels possible. The stories from the others just make me feel so alive! To watch what we have all been able to do in 6 months is amazing.”

Consie Sindet


“An authentic space to share the joys and challenges of living a creative life.

Before starting I felt pretty stuck. I didn't know what to do or which direction to go in - I knew I needed something "to get my mojo back"!. I’m really glad I found the Creativity Circle - I now feel much more confident in my ability to choose the kind of life I want to live. I don't think I would have started writing as much as I have if it wasn't for this group. I definitely wouldn't have started writing a novel!”

Eilís O'Keeffe


“A Supportive group of amazing creative women who get it!

Meg and Katie are wonderful facilitators and make everyone feel accepted, encouraged and welcomed. You will walk away from each session feeling empowered and energized to live your best life and reach your potential. Knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles has been helpful and the biggest impact it’s had on me is to know it’s okay to be vulnerable.”

Erin Naymark

Ready to spend the next six months building a creative life you love with a group of fabulous like-minded women?

We start at the end of September and spaces are limited to make the groups nice and small, so we recommend booking sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment!