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connect and stay committed to yourself and your creativity throughout 2024.

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You want to dedicate time to things you want to do, to make space and show up to your projects, build a creative practice and take courageous action towards building a life you love.

But shit happens, and life gets in the way.

By March, you've either forgotten your intentions for the year, or they've become a massive stick to beat yourself with and that exhausting the self-blame cycle starts. (Trust me, I’ve been there and you’re not alone).

But here's the thing:

It's not through a lack of wanting, it's not through a lack of self-discipline, and it's not about you being lazy.

This shit is hard.

A. You DO have a lot on your plate. Life is busy.


B. Bringing ideas to life, bringing your whole self to the table, and showing up for yourself (all while said life stuff is happening!) is scary.

When you do find a slither of time, it’s no wonder you suddenly remember to book the doctor’s appointment, see the messy room, and doing the dishes feels like the most urgent task of all.

And While this shit is hard, it really fucking matters.

That’s why we keep trying. That’s why our ideas won’t leave us alone. That’s why it can feel so frustrating. (Even if our dreamshitter is making us feel bad about daring to want more).

Building a life you love takes courage, creativity, commitment, and also rebellion.

Rebellion against staying in a box, our inner dreamshitters and a life filled of expectations and obligations.

Rebellion against staying small and ignoring our intuition and not even acknowledging our wins.

Rebellion against creative resistance, giving up and giving in.

and you don’t have to rebel alone.




a year-long online group coaching programme carefully designed to help you connect deeply with yourself, and stay committed to yourself and your creativity throughout 2024.

It's intentionally designed to help you show up and do the work, nourish yourself and stay committed to yourself and your creativity in 2024, and make real progress this year.

It's about breaking free from the expectations that hold you back and embracing the your quirks, imperfections and fabulous-ness.

Your Rebellious Year is about creating a life that is true to who you are.

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“If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.” — dolly parton

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a year of showing up for yourself, making space for yourself, taking action and blooming together:

During each month of the year, we’ll gather to both do and practice 3 things

  • connect with ourselves and our creativity

  • set intentions, celebrate wins and get unstuck

  • create together


in your rebellious year, we gather to both do and practice 3 things:


dive deep + connect with ourselves do the inner work

We gather together as a fabulous, supportive and safe group of like-minded women to DO the inner work, excavate, reflect, and get inspired. We dive deep into the things that help us (intuition, owning our creative process, self trust and inner wisdom) and things that hinder us (self-sabotage, fear, perfectionism, external and internal expectations). Stuff we probably have many books about but rarely get around to!

commit to action and practice putting ourselves out there

We have a dedicated space to set intentions, be held compassionately accountable for doing the work, and above all, cheer each other on. We collectively celebrate our wins and our progress, and shoot the shit when we get stuck. Fuck the drill-sergeant approach to accountability: we make it fun, realistic and sustainable, with something tangible to work on each month!

make time for making and meet creative resistance head-on

Finding the time, starting and doing the work can be hard. There are so many other things to do that this usually falls right to the bottom of the list (if it even makes it to the list in the first place!) So together we have a co-creating space to put our bums in the seat, practice creating and put in the hours on our projects. We co-create and immerse ourselves in our projects, share the process and actually have time to focus, create, and PLAY!

they each happen once a month

and here's how they’ll work:



rebelling against staying in a box, our inner dreamshitters and a boring life!

These 2-hour calls happen at the start of the month. Each circle will be focused on a particular topic and theme. Over the 12 months, we’ll be exploring and redefining our relationship to the things that hold us back (fear, self-sabotage, our inner dreamshitter, external and internal expectations) and connecting deeper to our intuition, sense of self trust and inner wisdom.

You can expect brilliant conversations, new insights, time to journal and do creative exercises, and lots of ponder over the month! Book recommendations and customised homework will be available if you’d like them!



rebelling against staying small and ignoring our wins!

Staying committed to your creative journey can be challenging, especially when life gets busy. Our monthly show & tell circle provides the structure, support and non-scary accountability to show up and do the work.

During these monthly two-hour calls, we’ll set and review our intentions for the previous month, and show and tell what we’ve been working on. We’ll celebrate our wins, gather together to revel in each other’s creative endeavours, and generally celebrate the shit out of each other, and shoot the shit when things feel hard!

Sharing our creativity is a vulnerable act, and putting ourselves out there is a muscle we can build, so once a month, we’ll be doing just that together!


CO-creating session

rebelling against creative resistance!

One Saturday a month, we’ll gather for a 3-hour co-creating session to put our bums in the seat and do the work. Creative resistance is real, and making alongside a group of like-minded, creative, and multi-passionate women who are also working on their projects not only makes it easier, but more fun!

They’re an opportunity to make significant progress and a time to focus, create, and enjoy the process!

The 3-hour co-creating session will be broken into three 45-minute chunks with check-ins in between, and you can pop in whenever works best for you!



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What’s the investment?


£45 per month (for 12 months)

With Your Rebellious Year, You’re getting:

12 months of showing up for yourself, with the support of a multi-passionate coach who gets what it is to do things differently, flexibly, and in a way that works for YOU.

🌈 12 months of encouragement, motivation and practical strategies to help you show up for yourself, overcome self-sabotage, and tools to help you pick yourself up when you fall off the wagon.

💖 12 creativity circles to help you move forward, dive deeper and connect with yourself.

🤩 12 monthly show & tell circles to practice doing the work and putting yourself out there.

💪 12 co-creating sessions to prioritise your creativity and make progress.

💬 An optional WhatsApp group to stay in touch with the group between sessions.

💻 A Your Rebellious Year dashboard to easily access replays and resources.

🎉 Lifetime access to the Rebel Social (an informal FB group and monthly hangout group for the wonderful people I’ve worked with!)

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so…why does this exist?

and who are you?!


📸 Rachel Burt

Hi! i’m meg, and i believe everything changes when you believe you matter!

I’m a coach and rebel-rouser for creative, rebellious and multi-passionate women. I'm a rebel at heart, and a firm believer in doing things your own damn way!

I created your rebellious year because…

I get how hard it can be to show up for ourselves and put ourselves on our to-do list.

I understand how important creativity and connecting to ourselves is for us. And also how much guilt and external fuckery we have to fight against to give ourselves permission to even think about going there.

In a world where women are taught to put everyone else first, be the good girl, be small, put everyone else first, not want more (and taught our wants are frivolous in the first place), it can be really damn hard to hear that little voice that tell us to just fuck it and go for it.

I created Your Rebellious Year as a container to really dive deep into this shit, work through and find new definitions of a life well lived;

As a way for you to DO the work and show up, with a group of like-minded women who really get it and to make serious progress this year, not only on your creative projects, but in your relationship with yourself and your view of yourself.

I don't claim to know all the answers, you won't leave with a three-step magical plan, and I can’t promise 2024 will be fuckery-free. But what you will get is my experience of helping hundreds of women to build a life they love with less shame and more compassion, a fabulous group of likeminded who just get it, are there for the highs and the lows, and a really supportive and compassionate space for YOU, for 2024.

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 why a rebellious year?

Rebellion doesn’t mean wearing a huge fuck you t shirt. It’s about not doing what is expected of you and living a life that is a true and authentic expression of who you are.

Rebellion is about doing things differently.

It takes courage to prioritise ourselves and be creative:

To sit down to do the work.

To share our ideas and take up space.

To listen to ourselves and dive deep.

To dance with perfectionism.

To put ourselves out there.

To dare to ask for more.

In a world as women, where we’re taught not to rock the boat, to stay in our own lane, put others before ourselves, put ourselves last and stay small, this work is rebellious.

Together we’ll break free from the expectations that hold you back, make space for your creativity to flourish and nurture your relationship with yourself.


here’s what other rebel rousers have said about working together and group experiences!

I’ve been overwhelmed with the acceptance, encouragement, and support I’ve received from Meg and the other members. Meg’s expertly facilitated sessions and coaching has enabled me to learn new ideas, prioritise time for my well-being, be inspired by the experiences and projects shared by other members, and achieve so much more than I ever imagined possible. I feel stronger to face what I need to do and know that I have wonderful women cheering me on. I learnt so much from these amazing women. The openness and willingness to share was just awesome.” - Sandra


I've never felt part of something that suits me so well, that I have actively wanted to stay a part of throughout, rather than drifting away, losing interest or motivation. Meg has the knack of getting right to the crux of an issue, of getting me to see things I might not have thought about. She has a huge font of knowledge to call on and it all comes with a huge serving of compassion and understanding.
Meg helps me to untie those knots, straighten me out and see things clearly, and yet it's never Meg pushing her opinions or ideas onto me either - it's completely personalised to help me do me authentically. - Rachel


The best thing about working together is that it gives me time to be unashamedly ‘me’. From the first second I met Meg, I knew I could be completely honest and bare my soul. I love the fact that Meg brings suggestions or a different perspective to the table, which is super helpful. - Amy


I loved having a community of inspiring people around me all working on their own inspiring projects. I feel like as you support other people in reaching their goals, and they support you and boost you up, it has a magical snowball effect where everyone gets more motivated. Meg is one of my favorite cheerleaders, as she genuinely rooted me on the whole way, and helped me get back on course to see the importance behind what I was doing as I worked through the rough bits. Her energy and excitement around what I was doing had a way of keeping me excited and motivated to keep going. - Jenny


I think the most important thing was that you made us feel seen. Zoom meetings always run the risk of being quite anonymous, where you're muted on entry and listen for the duration for the session, and it was so nice to feel like it really was an online get-together rather than a seminar. - Emily,


Meg has created a supportive and compassionate space where her warmth and humour shine through every activity. - Zena


In just two hours Meg managed to completely shift my perspective from one of self depreciation to self compassion, which I am truly grateful for. Meg created such a warm and comfortable environment, where I got to learn so much about myself as well as connecting with some amazing people. - Catherine


I went into it feeling that it might be like work, women who like to climb all over other women to get ahead. It was nothing like that. So many brave and beautiful people - it really restored my faith in sisterhood. - Emma

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this all sounds great! but what do you mean by creative?

I think it’s fair to say so many of us struggle with identifying as creative. I firmly believe creativity comes in all shapes and sizes, and you don’t have to be a writer, artist or musician to be creative:

Building a life you love IS a creative act in and of itself.

Some people will be working on building a creative practice, others will be working on personal projects they’ve been meaning to get around to for years, and together we’ll form an eclectic group of multi-passionate women doing their own thing.

One of my favourite parts of the work I do is just how eclectic we all are, and no matter where you are on your journey, you’ll be embraced, celebrated and very warmly welcomed!

This is the place for you to explore your creativity, build a life you love and express yourself authentically exactly where you are right now.


would i be a good fit?

If any of these resonate, Your Rebellious Year is the place for you!

  • It feels like a long time since you really felt like yourself, and you feel like your creativity and intuition got lost along the way,

  • You’d love to have a creative practice, but you find it hard to make the time, and when you do, it can feel scary or guilt-inducing

  • You want to journal, connect with yourself and listen to that quiet voice that tells you that you can do it, but something else always takes precedence.

  • You know what you need to do, but giving yourself the time and the permission feels really hard.

  • You find the idea of putting yourself out there sometimes gives you the heebie jeebies, but you can’t give it up either.

  • You’re sick of everybody else’s stuff coming first and you want a place for yourself and your projects for once.

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Are you ready to make 2024 your most rebellious and creative year yet?

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Frequently Asked Questions


DO i need to sign up for the whole 12 months?

Yes, Your Rebellious Year is a yearly commitment, so we can dive deep and nurture the relationships, trust and friendships within the group. It will be will be the same group throughout the 12 month period of Your Rebellious Year. Due to this, it's not possible to join ad hoc.

What happens at the end of Your Rebellious Year?

At the end, we have a wrap-up call where we review the year, plan the next steps and celebrate together! You’ll continue to have access to the replays, as well as The Rebel Social.


will there be replays?

Absolutely, all apart from the Co-Creating Circles! You can watch these at your leisure, and they’ll be housed securely in Your Rebellious Year Dashboard!

what if i can’t make a call?

Not to worry! It’s only natural you won’t be able to make every single thing live! There will be replays available within 24 hours of the event, which will be sent out after and available via the dashboard!


WHEN + WHere’s it all happening?

Between January 27th 2024 and January 2025. Everything is online, and calls will take place via Zoom. You’ll have easy access to all the links via Your Rebellious Year Dashboard, and you’ll also get email reminders before each event :)

UK Timezone Schedule

EST Timezone Schedule

how do i access everything?

Upon joining, you’ll be invited to join Your Rebellious Year Dashboard! This will have all the links for the calls, replays when they’re available and all the handy info you need. You’ll also get reminder emails before each event :)


what about timezones?

One of the fun things is that you’ll be joined by women from all over the world! I do my absolute best to make sure times are suitable for as many people as possible. For the times when you’re not able to make it, replays are available within 24 hours.

What if I just want to join one thing - will I be able to purchase them separately?

The Creativity Circle, Co-Creating Circle and Show & Tell Circles are all exclusive to Your Rebellious Year 2024. If you are looking for something shorter term, have a look at One Woman Band (a 100 day programme) and Rebel Creators (my monthly membership).


Is this a safe space?

Before signing up for Your Rebellious Year, you will need to read and agree to both my Coaching Agreement + Code of Ethics. Here at The Rebel Rousers, I’m building a business that celebrates your fabulous, unique self. I want everyone I work with to feel safe at all times, and I am committed to building an inclusive, intersectional business. Your Rebellious Year, is built upon shared values of mutual respect, kindness and inclusivity.

Is this the same as the season pass?

No, Your Rebellious Year is a separate programme and the season passes will be retired and not running during 2024.


i have another question, or I’m not sure if it’s for me!

I completely get it, I always have a bunch more questions and I get that investing in something just for you can be a bit daunting. You can reach me via email: meg [at] therebelrousers.com and I’ll be honest and help you figure out if its a good fit for you!