1244: What assumptions are you making?

To wrap up this week, we're diving into our (often unconscious) assumptions and what we are and what we aren't allowed to have, and giving ourselves permission!


Episode transcript:

Good morning, Daily Peppers, and a very happy Friday to you. So, earlier this week we were talking about a word of the year. And today's daily prep is inspired by a word that I chose for 2 years running, that I've actually decided to adapt as a word for my life. And it is experiment. And the reason I'm sharing this with you today is because I was thinking about all the massive assumptions that you make about our lives. I think most of us wish we have more time and more energy. But when we think of ways to create more of those things, we often dismiss our own ideas because we assume they're not gonna work, and we tend to write them off before we even begin. Our brains love problem solving, and often we think back to times when we've tried to solve it in the past, and maybe it hasn't worked.

And our built in confirmation bias and our built in negativity bias leads us to believe that we're just not gonna be able to solve the problem. So as we wrap up this week, I really invite you to think about the different assumptions you're making in your own life. When you look at the grand picture of your life and what's missing or what you desire, as you start to think about the things that maybe possibly could change that, try and think about what assumptions you're automatically jumping to without consciously knowing it. Or, and this is going a bit deeper, think about the things that you think you aren't allowed to change or the things that you feel guilty about wanting or not wanting, and the things that you just assume aren't in the cards for you. I'm making some changes with my business, whereby I'm getting really strategic about managing my energy. And while it's really uncomfortable, I'm really daring to put my needs more on the table. And what I didn't realize is that I've been operating with a shitload of assumptions that I've never really challenged. But sometimes the person we most need to seek permission from is ourselves, And I've made some changes.

They are very small tweaks, but they've helped me reclaim a lot of my time and energy. And the world truly hasn't ended. And to be honest, I would have made them before now had I even realized it was possible or if I'd have started challenging my assumptions earlier. So this is something to think about as you go into the weekend. What are things that you've kind of unconsciously decided you don't have permission to do? What are maybe some assumptions that you see as really black and white that might actually be holding you back? And if you do or take nothing else from this episode, ask yourself this. What do you need to give yourself permission for? And just get quiet and listen for the answer. And remember, there is no wrong answer. You know yourself better than you think you do, and just get curious.

So happy thinking. Happy Friday. It is wonderful to be back with you. And I can't wait to see you back here bright and early as always on Monday morning with a new episode of the daily pep. Or in your inbox on Sunday, if you're part of my letters of rebellion email community. And if you're not and you're curious, you can find out more and come join us by going to therebelrousers.comforward/letters. So, see you soon and remember that everything changes when you believe you matter.

Episode transcript produced by Castmagic.io



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New episodes air every Monday - Friday 6AM GMT

A short, snappy and sassy daily podcast to keep your internal - and external - dreamshitters at bay!

The Daily Pep! is the rebel-rousing, daily podcast for couragemakers, creative, multi-passionate and unconventional women. If you’re surrounded by people who don’t get who you are or what you do, if you want reminders you’re on the right path (no matter how scary it feels), or you’re sick of being your very own worst enemy, this is the podcast for you.

Every weekday, your host - writer, coach and professional rebel-rouser - Meg Kissack helps you build a creative and wholehearted life, one day at a time. Through short and snappy insights, reminders and stories, The Daily Pep! is here to remind you you’re not alone, and that everything changes when you believe you matter. Each episode is short and snappy, designed to fit in with (or help you start) your habits and routines.



Meg Kissack

Hi, I’m Meg and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter!

I’m a coach, serial podcaster (The Couragemakers Podcast + The Daily Pep! Podcast) and all-round rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously weird women. I help them show up in the world as their most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only they can do and make/leave the world a brighter place

📸 credit: Rachel Burt


1245: Breaking free from perfect inaction


1242: A counter-intuitive way to build a life you love