1277: Check the evidence
Sometimes the stories we tell ourselves our cruel and we can make wild assumptions about how 'terribly' we're doing, so today we're checking the actual evidence!
Episode transcript:
Good morning, Daily Peppers, and a very happy Wednesday to you. It is hump day, and I'm here with a sassy one with a reminder that I think all of us might just need to hear. So I think it's fair to say that we are not necessarily the best people at evaluating our own success or acknowledging our own wins. We tend to be a bit of an unreliable narrator, and it is all too easy to focus on what we haven't done and to completely bypass all of our wins and just move on to the next thing. Doctor Brene Brown talks about this whole, what is the story that you're telling yourself? And sometimes I don't think we actually tell ourselves the truest stories. I know this was true for me back in January when I was having one of my regular business wobbles, and I made all these assumptions about how nothing was working and everything was up Schitt's Creek. But, actually, when I stopped to look at the data, there had been improvements. Things definitely weren't up Schitt's Creek.
But I was looking at entirely the wrong evidence and coming to these conclusions based on some pretty cruel stories in my own head that my inner dream shoulda just love to play on repeat. So as you go about your day to day, I simply invite you to think about the data and what evidence you're consulting and also what assumptions you're making. I'm not saying it in a toxic positivity kind of way because sometimes things are shit on toast, But I also think we give ourselves way harder of a time than is necessary, and we also tend to take on the responsibility and ownership of things disproportionate to what is actually ours to own. So whatever story you're telling yourself, let's check it for the truth. Let's see what assumptions you're making. Let's give yourself grace for whatever assumptions you're making because our brains are hardwired to find the negative. And here's to maybe, possibly, definitely acknowledging that you're doing so much better than you give yourself credit for. Happy hump day.
We're over halfway through. And for those of you joining the rebel artist way starting tomorrow, I am so fucking excited. See you soon.
Transcription provided by Castmagic.fm
A short, snappy and sassy daily podcast to keep your internal - and external - dreamshitters at bay!
The Daily Pep! is the rebel-rousing, daily podcast for couragemakers, creative, multi-passionate and unconventional women.
If you’re surrounded by people who don’t get who you are or what you do, if you want reminders you’re on the right path (no matter how scary it feels), or you’re sick of being your very own worst enemy, this is the podcast for you.
Every weekday, your host - writer, coach and professional rebel-rouser - Meg Kissack helps you build a creative and wholehearted life, one day at a time. Through short and snappy insights, reminders and stories, The Daily Pep! is here to remind you you’re not alone, and that everything changes when you believe you matter. Each episode is short and snappy, designed to fit in with (or help you start) your habits and routines